Casey Management Services, LLC
Casey Management Services Watchman services are essential for all residents that are travelling, seasonal or away from their home for more than a month at a time.
Did You Know?
Most homeowner insurance policies are now requiring that you have your home inspected every 14 days when your unit is vacant for more than 30 days. We provide the documentation that your insurance company is looking for.​
An unoccupied home can be exposed to a wide variety of accidents or emergencies. We provide the peace of mind as the local link to a company that you can call to be your inspector.
Scenarios to Consider:
Hurricane Season-
Did you forget to move all your be longings inside? Do you have some one to check your unit after a storm has passed?
Electrical Outages-
What if your thermostat did not reset? How long will your home be without AC? Mold can start to form in 72 hours.
Smart Devices-
With all the new smart devices, what happens if the WIFI needs reset? Who can you call to make sure all is operational? Your smart device may notify you but if you are 1500 miles away what do you do? You call Casey Management Services.
Association Requirements-
We can provide documentation to your association of our inspections.
Want your unit to be ready for your arrival?
You let us know what day to have your unit ready and we will have the water on, hot water turned on and thermostat set.
Concierge Services?
Yes we can. Want the refrigerator stocked? Send us your list. Sending down boxes that need taken inside? Notify us when you receive delivery notification and we can put the packages safely inside.

Do you worry about your home while are away? Do you know what your home's insurance policy inspection requirements are? Do you want peace of mind?
We provide detailed inspections of your home either monthly or every two weeks. You will receive a copy of the inspection sheet each time we inspect your home. We utilize current technology to provide real time update!

Menu of Services
Inspection one time per month ~$45.00 per month
Inspection every two weeks
~$75.00 per month
AC Filter Change ~$10.00
Car Start ~$10.00 per time
Text or email picture of inspection sheet ~No Charge
Concierge Services are available upon request. Pricing will vary and be negotiated in advance.
Services are invoiced on the 1st of each month and payment must be received by the 15th of each month. Zelle, Check or Money Order are acceptable forms of payment.
Ready to keep your home safe?
Contact us today!​ ~ 941-922-3391